Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Crazy Gringos Play Ball

Well, Christian is feeling much better today. Thanks to all of you who prayed. We had an adventurous afternoon and evening. After siesta we went to the park down the street and played a little soccer with the kids. We played half court (the field is a basketball court) because some other kids were playing on the otherside. Well I noticed that eventually they stopped playing and just watched us. I think we were better than T.V. - A large family of gringos playing soccer was a sight to behold. We were slipping and sliding on the painted concrete. It was fun and I'm sure the Peruvians had a good laugh.
After a little futbol we headed off to get a taxi and go to Plaza Vea. It is like Walmart, kind of. We were able to get some school supplies, a froggie trash can (for all that toilet paper), and hair clippers. It is a little embarrassing that the lady working at the store spoke more English than we did Spanish. But we got what we needed and then headed of to the centro. We walked many streets looking for a bookstore to by a Spanish/English dictionary. Funny we didn't own one. Now many streets and two book stores later we own two.
We took a taxi back across town to Pollo Real. Picked up 2 chickens, 2 fries and 1 Inca Cola and headed home. The chicken was great but I feel a little sick to my stomach - maybe it is because the chicken man put five raw chickens on a spit, tied them, wiped his hands on a towel and put our food in the containers with his salmonella ridden hands! Oh, well. I'm sure its not the first time and I know it won't be the last.
Spanish classes are going well. I am thoroughly enjoying going to class, and so is Christian. Really, we are blessed in a very special way to be living here and learning Spanish - it is such a blessing - parasites and all. There have been many moments since we arrived that I have wondered why we are here. We, in and of ourselves, have nothing to offer Peru. They don't need our culture, habits, cooking, language . . . .nothing. We have nothing to give worth anything except Christ. I pray HE will be seen in us.


Ginny said...

Amy - enjoyed reading all your adventures. Glad that Christian is feeling better. Kids look like they are enjoying themselves. I know that God will keep you all safe and sound. Love to all! Aunt Ginny

The Masseys from Charlottesville. said...

I love what you say about having nothing to offer, except Christ. I have felt this so often myself, wondering what in the world I am doing here in Bolivia, what I could possibly say or do, but then I remember we are here as obedient followers of Christ and that He can and will use us despite our "gringo-ness".